• Wednesday, 15 Jan, 2025
  • 12:58:15 PM

Indo-Uganda Pharma Meet To Eliminate Sham Healthcare Products

Pharmexcil periodically conducts the buyer-seller meet to create linkages and effective communication between the manufacturers and importers of different countries.This time, BSM was organised in Uganda where 45 pharma companies from India participated and met more than 50 top importers from Uganda, Rwanda and other neighbouring countries. 

The government of Uganda is taking various measures to control the menace of counterfeit drugs and other medical products. The UPMA and PSU in collaboration with Pharmexcil organised this Pharma-Business meet. The meet enhanced the Business relations between both the countries. The companies discusses strategies to combat selling of fake products. 

GOI has introduced barcoding for all the pharma export consignment to ensure supply of legitimate drugs to international market. Indian pharma industry is committed to provide medical facilities and affordable health care to each and every citizen of every country.

India exports to almost every country and its exports stood at US$ 17.27 bn during 2017-18 and about 19.5% of its exports are to Africa Region. Indian pharma industry has huge scope in African countries due to their supreme qualities and affordable rates. India is expanding pharma market by each passing day and currently india is called Pharmacy to the world said by Dr. Dinesh Dua, Chairman Pharmexcil.

Africa is Future for Indian Pharma Industry and organising Such programs breaks the communication barriers between manufacturers and the importers said by Saurabh Singhal Director Africa Health Advisors Ltd, Rwanda


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तो अब ड्रोन से दवाइयां और ब्लड सप्लाई करेगी सरकार

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दवाओं पर होगी फार्मेसी काउंसिल की निगरानी, 300 केंद्र बनेंगे

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