• Tuesday, 22 Oct, 2024
  • 5:37:33 AM

Universal Healthcare in India – Digital Health, a stitch in time

       Around 6 Crore Indians fall into financial distress every year as a result of medical costs in the family. India has so far been a patient-pays market where the patient bears over 80% of the medical expense out of his own pocket with no protection. An estimated 3 Million Years of healthy life are lost due to Adverse Medical Events / Patient Injury via 5.2 Million recorded Patient Injuries in India. At the very least these result in extended hospital stays, additional treatment costs and time away from work and life for the patient. Sometimes death and disability too.
         Universal Healthcare is a development goal that most enlightened governments including India, have chosen to pursue so that they can have healthy and productive nations offering a better quality of life.
         Ease of Access, Equity and Efficiency of Healthcare delivery is paramount to the ideal of Universal Healthcare. It is also about providing a continuum of care –  spanning the life of a citizen.  Safe, Portable -  care anywhere, in the country, is a requisite too. Also inherent is a shift to the idea of a Third Party paying for the health care of the citizen - be it the state or a private insurance provider.
        It calls for creating a suitable ecology for delivery of healthcare folding-in a disjointed, insular system. It requires seamless communication across care settings – primary, secondary and tertiary, across sectors – public and private and between all stakeholders. Additionally, taking a preventive or wellness approach to reduce the incidence of disease or mitigate chronic conditions. Rightly, it also needs to capitalize on Indian’s rich heritage of wellness and alternative medicine systems by weaving them in to care.
        This is a tall task, considering that India lags behind in almost every globally acceptable healthcare Indice, be it availability of beds or functioning clinics or doctors or other resources. Meanwhile, unnoticed by policy makers, challenges have shifted. While we remain focused on Mother and Child health and communicable diseases based on historical information, we emerged as the world capital of Diabetes with 65 Million patients and a rapidly escalating problem in Cardiovascular, Cancers and other non-communicable diseases. The lack of real time data hampers effective governance of the system.
        Several countries like Sweden, Denmark, Israel, New Zealand, Rwanda, China, Australia, Estonia, Korea, US, UK and the EU amongst 30 or more countries have initiated a variety of National Digital Health Programs to empower their healthcare systems and overcome challenges of their legacy systems. Without exception, such programs, whether limited or transformational, have led to substantial benefits to stakeholders.
        In the Indian context, apart from system leakages, a ‘Tsunami’ of Claims and a ‘Fire’ of Frauds is already happening as the Public and Private Insurers expand the market. The Medical Professional on the other hand struggles with a lack of trustworthy information on his patient’s medical history needing to either over medicate or prescribe more tests at additional costs to the patient which may be avoidable.
       The dependence on a paper trail not only increases costs but also slows down the process at every step. The administrative burden could be expected to scale to 200x in the near term as a back-of-the-envelope projection, as the insurers strive to provide wider and deeper coverage to the patient. Digitization and standardization are the only way to rise up to this challenge. At its very heart, Digital Health can meet all these needs by making it possible to  create health record with trustworthy provenance.
      In light of this, The Minister of Health and Family Welfare Dr.Harsh Vardhan released India’s own National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB) for public comment on July15, 2019. This blue print leverages technology to meet the touchstones of efficiency, equity, effectiveness and sustainability for all stakeholders Patients, Providers and Payers. It defines the building blocks and standards for the digital ecology and lays out a broad road map for its roll out and also spells out factors critical to its success.
      The blueprint also seeks to arm the governance of the healthcare system both in clinical and business aspects to take predictive and timely steps to ensure the affordability of Universal Healthcare. In addition, Digital Health will open up newer opportunities for service providers, technology providers, entrepreneurs and many more and is going to generate opportunity and growth.
Dr. Pankaj Gupta


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