• Wednesday, 05 Feb, 2025
  • 2:06:43 PM


Every government has merit and demerit but we remember demerits only and curse quite often. It happens because we never change our specs, we should comment to become neutral and should imagine whether decision was in favour of country or not. We are now 6th largest economy in the world. Noteworthy, we are super power in medicine manufacturing and medicine export. We export 20% of global demand and Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is the pharmacy of the world.

                   I will elaborate and summarise success story of Modi government especially for pharma industry and health care sector. In my opinion there are many achievement of Modi Government which is as follows and you might add more.


     1. Indian FDA was issuing export NOC to get permission from state FDA to manufacture and export medicine. Export NOC is not required now and hence every export order will be dispatched timely and now custom department on port cannot hold any export shipment. Export NOC and custom department involvement was unnecessary check posts and due to them there was huge loss of export orders. Export orders remains time bound but government officials are not worried because they have to get the salary on time and they hardly take care who are looser. Ultimately country was losing foreign currencies. Noteworthy pharma industry alone is 3rd largest earner of foreign currencies and if you add up healthcare sector then no one can match it.

     2. Manufacturing licence for pharmaceutical company became lifetime and earlier it was for 5 years, now on every 5 years only renewal fee has to be submitted and there would be no inspection by inspector unless and until there is involvement of unlawful practice.

    3. Earlier, Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (COPP) issuing for 2 years but now it has been extended for 3 years. COPP is requiring to register the product for export of medicine. Companies were losing business because of short duration of validity.   

    4. Jan Aushadhi concept is unique in global pharma industry and no one dare to implement and think on this front. More than 50 companies are launching generic pharmacy chain and there should be immense help to needy poor patients and lots of employment will be there. Dava India is a generic pharmacy chain based in Surat, Gujarat and this is the first generic pharmacy chain in India. They are launching 3000 generic pharmacies across India to provide 30% to 90% affordable medicine with safe quality and quantity.

    5. Global Yoga day opened the door for herbal and health supplement companies and yoga masters. Global Yoga day gives vision to humanity to care health first and it was need of the hour. Now yoga is everyone’s choice and so is meditation.




      1. Pharma industry and healthcare sector has vision documents but stake holders are not aware about vision and how they can contribute to achieve the vision or it is just documents with bureaucrat or ministers or with head of association. Vision documents should be available to every stake holders and it should be advertise time and again via conference or brain storming session. Our NGO is helping to those interested to start pharma business or export business or healthcare clinic, all free consultancies. Our service is available on prior appointment only on Saturday and Sunday.

      2. Pharma Policy 2018 should be finalize with pharma stake holders and before finalising government officials should study National Health Service (NHS) of United Kingdom because NHS is the best health system in the world and it is having six sigma quality. Pharma Policy 2018 should be design in consultation with industry people.

      3. There should be Pharmacy Policy 2018 also to understand as how pharmacist can support healthcare industry and can generate employment opportunity. Currently pharmacists are not aware about the career avenue and government are ignoring pharmacist practitioners since indepence. There should be diploma course for hospital pharmacist and community pharmacist. There should be speciality and super speciality pharmacists like doctors the way United Kingdom and other developing countries follow. Our NGO is ready to assist government to start speciality and super speciality training to pharmacist across India and we are ready to coordinate with National Health Service (NHS) of United Kingdom.

     4. Make universities and colleges to develop students not only to search jobs but also to create jobs and every university and college should submit annual report to government mentioning that they have developed n number as job seeker and n number as job creator. We think that government will do everything and we will comments only. We are equally accountable for development of powerful nation.

     5. We should study as how National Health Service (NHS) of United Kingdom is no.1 in healthcare system and how can we think on the same manner and can be a first follower and then leader in healthcare system.

     6. There are no parameters of ICU across India and no one takes care. There should be hospital inspector just like drug inspector to control and check healthcare system. Syringe should come under prescription and every hospital should return back used syringe. This will stop drug abuse once for all then and there.

     8. Education mafia is taking huge fee but education standard is poor, it should be justified and there should be education inspector to check education institute, universities and colleges. There are many regular institution and correspondence institution are just money eyed and not worried about career of students and future of India.

     9. Syllabus of bachelor of pharmacy or master in pharmacy should be redesign as per need of the market and there should be more practical part and less theoretical part. There should be one full year industry exposure as part of syllabus so that students can get some valuable skills to get a job or same company can offer job on training to serious students. There should be speciality and super speciality in pharmacy education like ortho pharmacist, medicine pharmacist, gyne pharmacist, gastro pharmacist, oncho pharmacist, neuro pharmacist likewise then only pharmacist and doctors can work together for better treatment of patients.

     10. Pharmacy student can get speciality as MBA students are having speciality such as dual specialisation in Master in Pharmacy. Master in pharmacy in export & regulatory, Product management & Training, Formulation & development, Pharmacology & pharmacovigilance, Quality assurance and pharmaceutics, Quality control & pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy & new formulation development, Artwork & DNC Act, Pharmaceutics & DNC Act to name a few. We are living in a global village and we should take pledge to help all needy humanity without regards to caste, creed and nationality.


                                               Protect Humanity & Respect Humanity


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